Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Some Christmas Wish List Items

We are sooooo close to Christmas and I haven't even shared my Christmas Wish List.  Here are a few things that I am asking Santa for this year.

Swim fins...The fins that I have are a longer style and they are starting to tear near the toe opening from how I flip turn and push off the wall in them.  I need to work on that so that I push off the wall from the bottom of my foot versus the fin blade.  Oops...maybe Santa could replace my fins with some new ones!

Road Runner Sports R-Gear Double Time Tank...this looks like it would be so cute and fun to wear to workout classes.  I would like more workout clothes that aren't as running specific but are things I can wear to classes or yoga. 

Nike Free in cute are these! I would use these for running around town versus working out in them since I'm a Saucony girl for my running shoes but I can't resist the leopard print.

Triswim products!!! I love the Shampoo, Conditioner, and Body Wash from TriSwim.  The scents are amazing and it really helps keep my hair in great shape which is asking a lot since I swim 4-5 days a week.  Please Santa...I need to restock my swim bag!

Recovery food is always great and who doesn't love Bacon! Petit Jean bacon's a local Arkansas company and it is sooooo good.  I might be treating someone on my list to one of their great gift boxes.  Make sure you visit my friends at Arkansas Women Bloggers to enter for a Gift Box Giveaway.

What's on your wish list?  Share in the comments because I love learning about new products!


  1. I've never tried Triswim before, but they look amazing. My hair is so easily damaged by chlorine; I may need to ask Santa for these too!

  2. I saw these shoes at Lady Foot Locker only in pink and I loved them. My husband gave me a funny look I don't think he thought they were to cool.

  3. Oohhh now I need to add some of these to my list! :-)

  4. Great list!! I used to have a pair of long split fins, but changed to the shorter ones like you have pictured here. They are awesome! I hope Santa brings them for you!
